
後窗 Rear Window (1954)

2011/9/22 Thu. 學校圖書館

因為前一晚看的《追殺比爾2:愛的大逃殺》給我一種老電影的感覺(《追殺比爾》用了Bernard Herrmann的〈Twisted Nerve〉也有一點點功勞),今天選了希區考克的《後窗》。

Lisa:美極了,真希望我也會創作。(It's utterly beautiful. Wish I could be creative.)
Jeff:妳會。妳很有創造難題給我的天份。(Oh sweetie, you are. You have a great talent for creating difficult situations.)
Lisa:真的?(I do?)
Jeff:當然,突然跑來過夜。(Sure. Staying here all night, uninvited.)
Lisa:突擊,就是要出其不意。(Surprise is the most important element of attack.)

ps. 有點想追James Stewart的電影,光是能讓我認出「這好像是演《迷魂記》的那個人」這點就贏了(真慘XD)。


IMDB | 豆瓣 | wikiquote

Director: Alfred Hitchcock
Writers: John Michael Hayes (screenplay), Cornell Woolrich (short story "It Had to Be Murder")

James Stewart - L.B. 'Jeff' Jeffries
Grace Kelly - Lisa Carol Fremont
Wendell Corey - Det. Lt. Thomas J. Doyle

Genres: Mystery | Romance | Thriller
Country: USA
Language: English
Runtime: 112 min
Color: Color (Eastmancolor) (negative) | Color (Technicolor) (prints)

